Out of Print - Books, worn well.     Designed, Managed & Maintained by Rudy & Co.

Down the Rabbit Hole Necklace (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) (Silver) J-NECK-205


ルイス・キャロル / 不思議の国のアリス (1865)

- 真鍮製, シルバーメッキ
- Lead-free (無鉛)
- チェーン: 約45cm, 1.5cm間隔で5段階調節可能
- 留め金部分に不思議の国のアリスの本を象った飾りが付いています

Purchase of this necklace sends one book to a community in need

Wear your favorite story or phrase around your neck with our literary necklaces. An Out of Print adaptation inspired by Alice and her trip down the rabbit hole.
